Discount available for immediate family members and First Responders call for details (excluding private coaching)
We also offer: Private one on one coaching, Olympic Weight Lifting classes, 2 or 3 day per week options, and family discounts. Call for details.
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Journey with us at CrossFit Citadel
The start of your journey with us at CrossFit Citadel begins with a 45 minute Free Introductory Session. You will tour our facility, meet our team, and discover a little more about us, what we believe and what makes Citadel different. It includes a modified baseline workout to access your current mobility and fitness level. We will review your short and long-term wellness objectives, and outline how CrossFit and our specialized nutrition coaching will help you meet and surpass those goals. Send us an email at or give us a call at 903 920-9922 to set up a time to meet with one of our coaches. We look forward to seeing you!
New to CrossFit
Ready to join after your Free Intro Session? If you’re new to CrossFit many of our movements and terminologies will be somewhat different. Our Crossfit Foundations Clinic is specifically designed to help you as an athlete (or aspiring one) become comfortable and confident in performing the movements that make CrossFit unique. You will learn why and how to perform these exercises safely and develop the necessary confidence before “graduation” to our regular Crossfit Classes. At Citadel, we offer our Foundations Clinic on your schedule. The program is comprised of 6 classes, 3 per week for two weeks. What makes this program so effective is the community of encouragement.