Kyle & Allissa

Tell us about yourself!

Kyle: I'm a local chiropractor who loves CrossFit, but sucks at GHD sit ups.

Allissa: I'm a local chiropractor that specializes in pregnant women, infants, and soft tissue techniques.

Together they run Optimize Chiropractic, here in Longview, TX. Go give them a like to stay up to date with the latest info!

What made you want to start CrossFit?

Kyle: I feel like when it's done properly, like it is at Citadel, it is the most functional way to exercise. Also, I loooooove competition.

Allissa: After years of long distance running, I was looking for something to help me get stronger.

What is your favorite CrossFit movement?

Kyle: It's a tough call, GHD extensions or power cleans

Allissa: Muscle ups

What kind of impact has CrossFit had on your life?

Kyle: Crossfit has helped me be more disciplined overall. It has also certainly made me more well rounded from a fitness stand point, as well as helping me get leaner.

Allissa: CrossFit has helped me remember that pushing your body to get better is a gift. I have also met some really amazing people and friends.

If you could program your own WOD, what would it look like?

Kyle: 4 rounds for time 15 hip extension 12 deadlift 6 cleans 3 jerks 100m heavy farmer carry rx: 185 men and whatever the equivalent is for ladies.

Allissa: 5 Rounds for time: 5 muscle ups 10 handstand push-ups 800m run

Something we might not know about you:

Kyle: I have a tea cup chihuahua

Allissa: My mom, grandma, and I have matching tattoos

Fill in the blank with one word:


I like lifting

I eat steak

I do CrossFit

I am an amateur CrossFitter

My favorite pizza topping is pepperoni, duh


I like eating

I eat sweets

I do adjustments

I am an introvert

My favorite pizza topping is sausage

Book your first appointment with Kyle and Allissa today: