Guy & Sonia Waldron
Tell us about yourself!
I am a local dentist and Sonia works for a local orthodontist. I have been in practice for 30 years, 20 of those in Longview at The Smile Studio. Sonia has been an orthodontic assistant for 20 years. Check us out at:
What made you want to start CrossFit?
We wanted to work out together and we felt like CrossFit is the absolute best work out to achieve overall fitness and health.
What is your favorite CrossFit movement?
Guy loves deadlifts & Sonia loves squats.
What kind of impact has CrossFit had on your life?
We have made some very good friends and are in the best overall health we have ever been.
If you could program your own WOD, what would it look like?
Sonia would program squats, lunges, burpees, and rope jumps. Guy would program deadlifts, dips, rope jump, and sit-ups.
Fill in the blank:
I like Hallmark (Sonia) Golf (Guy)
I eat Keto (Sonia) Omelets (Guy)
We do Teeth!
I am A Mom (Sonia) A good friend (Guy)
Our favorite pizza topping is Pepperoni
Something we might not know about you?
Sonia is a 4 time National Tae Kwon Do Champion, and Guy can play the piano!