Christy Collins

Tell us about yourself!
I am a fairly consistent 5am CrossFitter. I have 4 kids ages 9-13. I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a private counseling practice. I also contract quite a bit doing homestudies for an international adoption agency, and I teach for Stephen F Austin University. I am currently working on my Yoga Teacher certification, and I teach a couple yoga classes a week at Citadel.
What made you want to start CrossFit?
Peer pressure...I started as a runner and ran with some crossfitters who pulled the hard sell. But they were right. I love the variety and intensity. I’ve met some great people, too.
What is your favorite CrossFit movement?
I mean, how do you pick just one? (*cough*not snatch*cough)
What kind of impact has CrossFit had on your life?
As someone with a fairly unhealthy, sedentary background, I never thought I would consider myself an athlete. CrossFit has completely changed my self image. I feel strong and healthy. It’s a great stress reliever too.
If you could program your own WOD, what would it look like?
Whatever it is, coffee would definitely be involved!
Something we might not know about you?
I fantasize about running away to an island in the Mediterranean and running a bed and basically Meryl Streep's character in Mamma Mia minus the singing and dancing (nobody wants to see that)...fingers crossed, it could happen.
Fill in the blank with one word:
I like to read
I eat at Jacks...a lot
I do yoga
I am always striving to be more compassionate with myself
Favorite pizza topping: Veggies